“Wikipedians do it for love. Really”

Wikipedia is typically my go to site for quick and fairly simple information. I use it at least a few times a week either out of curiosity or to get a more in depth definition of a word (especially for anything school related). In other words, Wikipedia is a very handy tool for just about anything.

However, according to teachers, it is most certainly not a credible source and therefore I don’t take information to cite from this webpage. I do somewhat agree with teachers for not allowing students to use Wikipedia as a valid source because it’s true that anyone can go on the site and edit whatever page they like so you never really know if the information provided with always be correct. Although, I do believe that a good majority of the information (that I have found at least) is much more valuable than teachers give it credit for.

A lot of the time I’ll go to Wikipedia for information first to get an idea of what the topic is about because it can be fairly easy to read especially since that each article also contains subtopics. However, I will find a credible source(s) afterwards to read up on more complex information and use it as my final reference.

At the end of the day, I do believe that Wikipedia is a credible source in most cases but it doesn’t hurt to be cautious when using it for information that could reflect on you future!


Source: https://fleming.desire2learn.com/content/COMM/1169/offerings/COMM_201-250351P_1169/Readings/Wikipedians.pdf

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